Workers Compensation in Carlingford
Looking for a Worker's Compensation Physio or Exercise Physiologist near you in Carlingford?
Our expert Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists (EPs) are specialists in the industry when dealing with Worker's Compensation claims.
With experience in the occupational rehab space, we will help you deal with your workplace injury and assist with your return to work when you are ready.
Our physiotherapists treat conditions such as work-related back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches, shoulder pain & other occupational injuries.
Our Exercise Physiologists will help to provide a work-related strengthening and endurance program to make your transition back to work as seamless as possible.
If you are after a 5-star healthcare provider for your injuries, schedule an appointment with our experienced practitioners to help you fast-track your recovery.
Get in touch for further details on how to book.
Physiotherapy clinic located in Carlingford, near Dundas/Telopea, Epping, Eastwood and Ryde.